Website Hosting
by EcoGlobalWebs
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About Green Hosting
About Green Hosting

What is Green Website Hosting?
Green website hosting is the use of renewable sources of energy in website hosting with the aim of neutralising the environmental impacts resulting from the webhosting business. The best way will be to use the renewable sources of energy such as solar, wind or hydro.
However, the high capital and operational costs of the power derived from the renewable sources of energy has resulted in less hosting companies using this desirable but costly source of power. Alternatively, most hosting companies purchase carbon credits or use other less capital-intensive green options.
Our Green Website Hosting Services
Our data centre is located in Texas, USA, and is 130% wind-powered through the purchase of Renewable Energy Credits (RECs). The Renewable Energy Credits are also known as Green Tags or Tradable Renewable Certificates (TRCs) because they can be traded. These Green Tags save as proof that we have purchased renewable energy that was created by a green source (wind) and delivered to the common power grid that our servers are connected to.
Green Certificates are an effective way for hosting companies located in city centres where investment in wind and solar power is not cost-effective. The purchasing of Renewable Energy Credits is an effective route for green web hosting companies to take- much better than not investing in green electricity at all! By hosting your website with Ecoglobalwebs, you will be supporting the "make-the-earth green" campaign.
Carbon offsetting
This refers to the act of mitigating the greenhouse gas emissions produced from business activities by payment of a fee or investing in environmentally-friendly projects.
The term “offset” means to neutralize, balance or cancel out. In other words, carbon offsetting is the process of balancing out the carbon emissions with techniques of absorbing carbon dioxide. A practical way for businesses to reduce carbon emissions is by donating money to companies or organizations that will create renewable energy technology or plant trees. Companies normally purchase Carbon credits.
Efficient use of energy
At Ecoglobalwebs, we encourage our customers to conserve energy through the use of energy-efficient equipment (computers, servers etc) so that we collectively reduce our carbon footprints.
Thank you for choosing green website hosting.